Yet another report by Olivier who attended RFIA 2010
RFIA 2010 — Reconnaissance de formes et intelligence artificielle
RFIA (which stands for Reconnaissance de formes et intelligence artificielle) is a French-speaking conference about pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. The 17th edition held in Caen from January 20 to January 22 2010.
There was four parts in the workshop: an invited speaker session, a short talk session, a poster session and a demo session.
The short talk session was divided into two tracks: pattern recognition and artificial intelligence. I mainly followed the Pattern Recognition track. Unfortunately I was only able to attend the first two days of the conference, so I will present only talks from these days. Sang Ly presented a method to estimate moves of a stereoscopic vision system. Hervé Jégou presented a new compact representation of bag-of-words for image retrieval. Thierry Germa presented some results to follow people with a mobile platform, using information from image and RFID tags. Pierre Lébraly explained an extrinsic calibrating method for multi-camera system, using a planar mirror.
The three invited talks I attended were given by Olivier Teytaud (INRIA Saclay, France) speaking about artificial intelligence methods for Go game, Schlomo Zilberstein (University of Massachusetts, USA) presenting challenges and directions for decentralized decision making and by Nicu Sebe (University of Amsterdam, Nederlands) detailing some perspectives for human centered computing.